Category: Raquel Welch
Raquel Welch caused quite a stir in her groundbreaking sex scenes with black athlete Jim Brown in the “spaghetti western” 100 Rifles (1969), and as the transgender title role in the unfathomable Myra Breckinridge (1970). Adapted from Gore Vidal’s novel, she created some unwelcome notoriety by locking horns with septuagenarian diva Mae West on the set. The instant cult movie certainly didn’t help Welch’s attempt at being taking seriously as an actress.
Box office bombs abounded. Try as she might in such films as Kansas City Bomber (1972) and The Wild Party (1975), which drew some good reviews for her, her sexy typecast gave her little room to breathe. With determination, however, she partly offset this with modest supporting roles in larger ensemble pieces. She showed definite spark and won a Golden Globe for the swashbuckler The Three Musketeers (1973), and appeared in the mystery thriller The Last of Sheila (1973).
Raquel Welch is looking sexy in a white bikini
THE 1973 OSCARS Raquel Welch (with Gene Hackman) announces the winner of the Best Actress Award, Liza…