Category: On the street

Mini skirts on the street in the 1970s

Mini skirts on the street in the 1970s

Tied Shirts and Tiny Shorts

Tied Shirts and Tiny Shorts

Young woman shopping for records

Tied top and slim slacks shopping

1979 roller skating girls

1979 roller skating girls

Ladies at the race track

Ladies at the race track, drag racing was very popular

Showing off in the van door

Showing off in the van door

Halter tops and street Vans

Halter tops and street Vans

Rollerskating Burger King employee on the street in California, late 70s

Rollerskating Burger King employee on the street in California, late 70s

Tiny shorts and a small crop top the uniform for hitch hiking

Tiny shorts and a small crop top the uniform for hitch hiking