Category: On the street

Rollerskating Burger King employee on the street in California, late 70s

Rollerskating Burger King employee on the street in California, late 70s

Tiny shorts and a small crop top the uniform for hitch hiking

Tiny shorts and a small crop top the uniform for hitch hiking

Street fashion, 1970′s

Street fashion, Summer, Los Angeles, California, 1970′s.

Low rise bell bottoms and a crop top

Low rise bell bottoms and a crop top

Young Ladies on the street in Europe

Young Ladies on the street in Europe

A girl making a show on a chopper

A girl making a show on a chopper

Bell Bottoms and a small top make a statement

Bell Bottoms and a small top make a sexy statement

Showing off her legs while roller skating

Showing off her legs while roller skating

Two women hitchhiking in Toronto, Canada, 1974

Two women hitchhiking in Toronto, Canada, 1974

Downtown Los Angeles, 1977

Downtown Los Angeles, 1977