Jamie Lee Curtis in blue

Jamie Lee Curtis in blue looking sexy as she is ready to exercise

Five Easy Pieces (1970)

Jack Nicholson, Sally Struthers, Billy Green Bush, and Marlena MacGuire in Five Easy Pieces (1970) Robert Dupea…

Play Misty For Me (1971)

Jessica Walter in Play Misty For Me (1971) Disc jockey Dave Garver (Clint Eastwood) attracts the amorous…

Catherine Bach bikini shot

Catherine Bach bikini shot

McCloud 1971 – Top of the World, Ma!

Bo Svenson and Stefanie Powers in McCloud 1971 – Top of the World, Ma! A large Ohio…

Madeleine Collinson and Mary Collinson in Twins of Evil (1971)

Madeleine Collinson and Mary Collinson in Twins of Evil (1971)

Nastassja Kinski, 1979

Nastassja Kinski at the premiere of Tess, 1979

Goldie Hawn in her Laugh In days 1971

Goldie Hawn in her Laugh In days 1971

Burt Reynolds – Sally Field in Smokey and the bandit 1977

Burt Reynolds – Sally Field in Smokey and the bandit 1977 Bandit and Cledus are two truck-driving…

Cheryl Ladd

Cheryl Ladd

Sean Connery-Charlotte Rampling “Zardoz” 1974

Sean Connery – Charlotte Rampling “Zardoz” 1974 In 2293, Zardoz–an unseen “God” who speaks through an idol,…

Led Zeppelin, 1975

Led Zeppelin, 1975