Tag: Cheryl Tiegs

Cheryl Tiegs in sexy little gold bikini

Cheryl Tiegs in sexy little gold bikini

Cheryl Teigs in a very tiny bikini

Cheryl Teigs in a very tiny bikini

Cheryl Tiegs sexy in yellow

Cheryl Tiegs in a mesh swimsuit

Cheryl Tiegs in a mesh swimsuit that lets everyone see her boobs

Cheryl Tiegs sexy in yellow

Cheryl Tiegs sexy in yellow

Cheryl Tiegs 1970s

Cheryl Tiegs 1970s

Cheryl Tiegs, 1975 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue

Cheryl Tiegs, 1975 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue

Cheryl Tiegs under a waterfall

Cheryl Tiegs looking very sexy under a waterfall

Cheryl Tiegs bikini in the surf

Cheryl Tiegs showing off in a sexy bikini in the surf

Cheryl Tiegs 1973

Cheryl Tiegs by Kourken Pakchanian 1973

Cheryl Tiegs looking comfortable

Cheryl Tiegs looking comfortable

Cheryl Tiegs : Vogue, December 1974

Cheryl Tiegs : Vogue, December 1974