The plot revolves around Marcia (Maureen McCormick) and two of her friends being assigned the task of finding someone to perform at their senior prom and Marcia—taking a suggestion from Jan to heart—deciding that she can use her lofty position as the president of Davy Jones’ local fan club to get him to appear. After all, he did once write her a handwritten letter saying that if he was ever in town and could help her with anything, he’d do it!

Of course, no one believes at first that Marcia is ever going to be able to pull off such a coup, but she’s so confident that the kids begin to accept that it might actually come to pass. Unfortunately, this acceptance arrives right around the time Marcia realizes just how hard it is to actually get in touch with Davy, and she’s just about to give up all hope when—lo and behold!—Davy shows up at the Brady house, apologizes for all the trouble he’s gotten Marcia into with his letter, and offers to head to the prom…as long as she’ll be his date.

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